アジア学術情報センター(ACSI, Asian Center for Scientific Information)は、科学的および研究情報の発展に焦点を置く、先駆的な拠点です。私たちの目標は、知識の発展とその共用であり、その促進を出版物、情報収集、ホスティング、配布を通じて行います。私たちは、科学的情報へのアクセスの障壁を排除するために、オープンアクセス化を推進・支援しています。



The Asian Center for Scientific Information (ACSI) is a pioneering hub dedicated to advancing scientific and research information. Our goal is to foster knowledge development and widespread distribution through publications, information collection, hosting, and distribution. We follow the open-access path to eliminate barriers to accessing scientific information.
The Asian Center for Scientific Information (ACSI) was founded by a diverse group of professionals, including researchers, educators, editors, publishers, librarians, and information experts. Although our members and participants are primarily from Japan and Asia, we welcome a global community of individuals passionate about scientific discovery. We leverage technology to stay at the forefront of scientific communication, ensuring rigorous peer-review processes and promoting research partnerships and collaborations.
At Asian Center for Scientific Information (ACSI), you can access a wealth of scientific resources, publish your research findings, and engage with a vibrant community of scholars and experts. Embark on this remarkable voyage of discovery with us, where boundaries are transcended, horizons are expanded, and the pursuit of scientific excellence knows no limits.